Marantz Professional Sound Live 8

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Key Features
  • Five Microphone Inputs
  • Channels 1-2: Compression
  • 60mm Faders
  • 3-Band EQ on All Channels

The Sound Live 12 from Marantz Professional is an 8-channel / 2-bus tabletop mixer with USB well suited for live performance applications and studio recording environments. The mixer features five microphone inputs, two stereo inputs, two aux sends, an integrated digital FX processor, and dedicated effects and aux returns as well as a dedicated monitor fader and master fader. Each channel features a 3-band EQ, gain trim controls, aux 1 and 2 sends, pan knobs and a volume fader. Channels 1-4 offer inserts for incorporating outboard signal processors, while channels 1-2 feature an on-board single knob compressor. Channels 1-6 offer a 75 Hz low frequency filter with an 18 dB/octave slope.

The digital effects processor includes 100 effects including delays, reverb, tremolo, chorus, flange, rotary and more. The integrated USB interface sends a copy of the master bus to any connected computer. The computer return can be sent to either the main output or to the control room output, which is determined by the mixer’s USB In source. Additionally, the mixer offers 2-Track send and return via RCA. A dedicated headphone output with independent level control and a USB charging port are also provided.

  • 5 XLR inputs with Marantz Professional mic preamps
  • Dynamic compression (Channels 1-2)
  • 3-band EQ plus 2 aux sends per channel
  • 60mm faders with mute switch and LED meters
  • USB audio connectivity with level control
  • 100 studio-grade digital effects
  • Balanced XLR, balanced/unbalanced 1/4” outputs
  • 9-band graphic EQ for main or monitor outputs
  • Headphone out with independent level control
  • USB jack to power lamps or charge mobile devices

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