Canare L-4E6S Microphone Cable with Nuetrik XLR-M to XLR-F (1Meter)

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●  Microphones.
●  Studio Audio Tie Lines.
●  Patch Cords.
●  Rack Wiring.
●  Snake Systems.
●  PA Mixers.
●  Super Flexible even in sub-zero weather.
●  Rejects EMI, RFI and Handling Noise.
●  High Density Copper Braid Shield.
●  Variety of Matte Finish Jacket Colors.
●  100% Test and Quality Controlled.
●  Excellent Connector Pull Strength.

Canare pre-assembled Star Quad Professional Microphone audio cords are available in a variety of convenient lengths and matte finish jacket colors. Both ends are meticulously hand soldered using premium Neutrik XLR-3 connectors with black chrome shells and gold plated contact pins.

Canare Star Quad is designed for use with microphones but is also excellent for all line-level signals (e.g. mixer to power amps). The 4-conductor Star Quad arrangement cancels electromagnetically induced noise from SCR dimmer packs, fluorescent lighting ballasts and AC power transformers. Handling noise is prevented by use of cotton filler material. Excellent frequency response is maintained due to special irradiated polyethylene insulation which provides a low capacitance dielectric.

Canare Star Quad cable is super flexible. We use large numbers of thin wire strands in both the conductors and overall shield. We extrude a special compound PVC outer jacket that remains pliant at extremely low temperatures with no wait between cold shipping and installation.

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