Behringer Ultra-DI DI20 Professional Active 2-Channel DI-Box/Splitter

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  • Multi-purpose direct injection box for stage and studio applications
  • Provides impedance and signal
  • Additional Split mode (channel 1 assigns signal to both XLR outputs)
  • Ultra-flat frequency response due to servo-balanced operation
  • Internal battery automatically shuts off when phantom power is applied
  • Allows direct connection to speaker outputs with up to 3,000W
  • Input 2 usable as channel 1 Link output (additional to XLR output)
  • High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
  • Single piece


The ULTRA-DI DI20 is a one-of-a-kind DI (Direct Injection) box that can convert up to two separate, unbalanced ¼ ” TRS lines into two balanced XLR outputs – or function as a signal splitter. Electric guitarists, keyboardists and bassists will love the flexibility the incredible DI20 provides both in the studio and on the stage. By flipping a switch, you can use the DI20 as a launching pad for two separate mono signals, a stereo signal – or a split-signal feeding two separate amps. The DI20 also features a superb ground-lift switch, and the 3-position input attenuator can accommodate input levels of up to +48 dBu. This handy built-in attenuator also allows you to connect directly to your amplifier’s speaker outputs, even amps rated as high as 3,000 Watts. You can power the DI20 with either a 9 V battery or your mixer’s phantom power supply (+18 to +48 V DC). The whole package is wrapped in an ultra-compact, road-suitable and rugged metal housing. If you’re a working musician who demands uncompromising functionality and durability, the ULTRADI DI20 will astound you – and so will its ultra-affordable price tag! See what the DI20 can do for your sound at your nearest Behringer dealer – or get yours online today.

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